Rent-A-TEMP Pty Ltd considers the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees to be of the utmost importance to the organisation. RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd is committed to their Duty of Care under all current and relevant legal obligations as an employer/person conducting a business or undertaking, to provide and maintain a safe workplace and safe systems of work to prevent employees’/workers’ exposure to hazards.
RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd recognises that is everyone’s responsibility to present themselves fit for work each day so they do not endanger themselves or others while at work.
This includes informing RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd of any ongoing Drug or Alcohol problem that may have an adverse impact on work performance or the health and safety of fellow workers.
Impairment of a person’s ability to work safely while under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol places not only the impaired person(s) but also exposes other persons in the area to the risk of hazardous event/occurrence.
While RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd does not wish to intrude into the private lives of employees, if drugs and alcohol have a direct impact on an individual’s work performance or safety standards, it is RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd’s responsibility to clients and workers to intervene.
A person’s fitness for work can be impaired from a number of factors, either individually or in combination such as medical conditions, stress, substance abuse and fatigue. RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd is committed to:
– Increase awareness of the negative and harmful effects of drugs and alcohol in the workplace by the inclusion of this policy in the RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd induction;
– Provide assistance to employees who are identified as having difficulty with being able to present themselves as fit for work; and,
– Promoting a safe and healthy workplace and encourage all employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle
RENT-a-TEMP Pty Ltd’s Fitness for Work Policy shall endeavour to eliminate hazards by conducting Drug & Alcohol testing at the following times of employment:
– Monthly – potential employees will undergo random swab (saliva) tests pre-mobilisation
– Urine testing – prior to placement with companies that require laboratory testing/analysis
– Random testing – employees will be subjected to random site swab testing as required; and,
– Hazard causations – employees may be required to undertake a Drug and Alcohol Test if the site supervisor suspects that they may be under the influence of illicit substances or following their involvement is an incident or near-miss.
Breaches of this policy will prompt an investigation which may result in corrective actions, counselling or termination of employment.